Friday, February 25, 2011

Mr. Watterson please come out of retirement.

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless."

This is a quote form Calvin and Hobbes, now I couldn't find the strip but I'll try again later and hopefully post it next week.  But I thought this little quote was perfect for this weekend considering that its State Paddy's Day.  But this also reminded me of something a friend of mine said " If you have too much work to do, the only logical thing to do is not to do any work at all."  

And while this quote will make us all laugh and think of the times we had mountains of work and all we did was sit around and do nothing I want to say that it has some deep and highly philosophical meaning behind it but there isn't any and that's what is so great about it.  It's has no real point to it, and that's exactly what it's trying to convey.  And I realize I am now getting to be a bit repetative so I'll leave you all with just that.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Math is a Religion!

Pretty funny huh?  I always loved this one.  Not because it explain the mystery of mathematics, but because it explains, in a comical fashion, my disbelief in religion.  I see no logos in religion.  Sure there might be this allmighty, supernatural being that created the world, but you can't prove it now can you?   Now I realize I may be offending quite a few people with this, but I'm afraid to say that you will not get an apology out of me.

All religion does is exploit the weakness that is inherent in humans.  Whether said weakness may be a fear of death, a lack of purpose, or anything that we want in life but don't have.  Religion is willing to comfort us and tell us that if we spend enough time praying (which to me seems completely unproductive) and if we have faith everything will work out just fine.  And when is doesn't (probably because you were praying instead of working) it's because you did not have enough faith.

I wish I could continue this but its 2:10 and I think I should finish up my passion blog too.  "Sad face"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Music, what does it mean to you.

The mainstream bores me.  Its the same old tried and tested beat with new lyrics that all seem to be about fucking bitches and getting some ass.  Its a waste of time, energy and brain cells.  Few artists today can sing, fewer can play instruments.  They all rely on computers to make them sound good.  There is little no talent in the music industry and the labels wonder why sales are falling.  Every time I hear a song thats mainstream I wonder how anyone even remotely intelligent would want to listen to it.  Is the familiarity of hearing the same sound but with different lyrics, or is it because its catchy and you can dance to it, or it simply because nobody cares about good music anymore.  Maybe they just don't know.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Living life deaf

No I am not deaf, not even close and no I do not know anyone who is.  But I do have an ear infection.  What that means is that I cannot hear as well as normal.  So if anyone whispers to me or speaks from the other end of the room I may not hear them properly.  And its a PAIN. 

What being partially deaf does is completely change how I communicate with others.  Since I can't hear perfectly and since I'm not going to ask people to repeat themselves, more often than not, if I don't get exactly what the other person says all I do is simply smile and nod my head.  Or use some other expression depending on what expression the other person uses.  Its not perfect, and I'm sure that a lot of people probably think I'm insane.

But what I found rather funny about this is that ,deaf or not,  most people use the same tactic in conversations.  Haven't we all been in this one utterly boring conversation that we want no part of.  And when our patience is at its end, all of us just start smiling and nodding like dolls thereby eliminating any chance that conversation had of being a good one.  After all there is no conversation more boring than one where everyone agrees.